Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri Iwi Trust (NMoWIT) is a Mandated Iwi Organisation that is building momentum in achieving significant kaupapa milestones. To help the organisation continue to drive its strategic objectives, Decipher Group was pleased to partner with NMoWIT on the recent recruitment of two key roles, welcoming Hone Tibble to the role of Operations Manager and Te Amo Slaosi as Administrator.

We are whānau. We support each other “ahakoate aha”.
We hold to “tika me tepono” as we seek to achieve maungarongo (peace) in our decision making.
We hold the line as we unite for our whānau, our iwi, and the resources we are entrusted with.

Welcome to the team Te Amo and Hone.

Search led by Sarah Dixon.

our people

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