Online professional network LinkedIn has recently released job market insights identifying the fastest growing roles in Australia. While not New Zealand specific, our Trans-Tasman cousins are generally closer than we’d like to think.

What’s interesting, for HR and talent acquisition professionals, is that roles that sounded obscure a few years ago, are the top emerging jobs in the marketplace. Which makes things challenging in terms of predicting where the gaps will be in your workforce in such a dynamic marketplace. But understanding the trends and how they shape the world is key to understanding what your workplace will be looking for in terms of talent.

Let’s start with the results, the top five emerging jobs included in the report were:

  1. Customer Success Manager (CSM) – evolution from an account manager or sales person to someone who helps customers realise success on every level.
  2. Data Scientist – analytical data expert who have the technical skills to solve complex problems.
  3. Full Stack Engineer – a combination of front-end web development and software development.
  4. Cyber Security Specialist – keep computer information systems secure.
  5. Experience Designer – makes a product easier to use and more accessible through continuous research and testing.

One of the key takeaways from above is that tech roles are dominating the emerging job marketplace. Another interesting point is that soft skills are increasingly in demand with roles like CSM, where they are as reliant on soft skills as they are technical.

In the US, a LinkedIn survey of hiring managers identified desirable soft skills including: adaptability, culture fit, collaboration, leadership, growth potential and prioritisation.

Emerging roles are also typically a reinvention of existing roles. For example, top previous jobs for a CSM include Project Manager, Business Development Manager, Account Manager and Support. A Data Scientist might have a background as a Researcher, Software Engineering or Tutor. This is a useful starting point when searching for talent for these emerging role titles.

Another tip is to focus on skills, not job titles – think in terms of those foundational skills required for a role as apposed to others that can be learnt with on the job training. For example, the top skills for an Experience Designer include: design, customer experience, user experience, experience design and user research.

Roles in demand also mean a tight job market – this is where your employer brand comes into play – start thinking in terms of what makes your workplace unique and what will entice top talent.

Understanding where the future is heading is just the beginning, for savvy businesses this means planning a future workforce that is ready for change.

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If you are looking for direction and assistance on unearthing and retaining the right talent for your business or you want to better understand the demand for roles in your marketplace, get in touch with us.

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