
Stop chasing EX trends and focus on getting the *boring* bits right

All businesses want to attract and retain the right talent, it’s one of the most fundamental drivers of organisational success. However, today’s labour market is becoming increasingly competitive, fuelled by talent shortages, wage growth and a record low national unemployment rate...

By |2023-01-20T15:46:25+12:0026 October 2022|Blogs|0 Comments

5 leadership lessons from Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth’s 70-year reign leaves a lasting legacy of endurance, dedication and service. By all accounts it was a long stint in the top job of the monarchy - average CEO tenure in New Zealand is around 6 years. Here’s our take on leadership lessons we can learn from arguably the most well-known ‘leader’ in the world.

By |2023-01-20T16:08:44+12:0027 September 2022|Blogs|0 Comments

Need help to reshape your organisation to fit your business strategy?

The way we plan or design an organisational structure often starts with the best intentions, aligning roles and processes with broader strategy, however over time priorities change and the structure evolves into something either overly complex or completely misaligned with strategic imperatives.

By |2023-01-20T15:45:34+12:0023 September 2022|Blogs|0 Comments

Evaluating the CEO

The performance of an organisation can be influenced by many events, not all related to the efforts of a CEO. This can mean some leaders receive too much credit for success while others face the blame for poor organisational performance. Which begs the question, are CEO performance evaluations relevant?

By |2022-09-28T10:23:54+12:0023 September 2022|Blogs|0 Comments

Is it time for a pulse check?

We’re all vulnerable to the stress and strain of everyday life, balancing work and personal lives while also coping with the impact of a global pandemic and lockdowns that restrict our usual freedoms. At times, this can manifest itself in feelings of disengagement which effects both our wellbeing and sometimes, our work performance.

By |2022-09-28T10:24:24+12:0023 September 2022|Blogs|0 Comments
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